Thursday, July 23, 2009

Customer service

Dijon1 sent me the following email the other day:

In large print:
You're a jerk You are sleeping on your working place? Visit Canadian Health and Care Mall
I assume the email provided a way to reach that online pharmacy, but I did not feel inclined to inquire further after such a welcoming greeting. has compiled a list of eight rules for good customer service, specially targeted at small businesses in Canada. Dijon1, may I point you to rule #6? A corollary to this rule would be: "Don't insult your potential customers", and it should also apply to yourself, not just to your staff.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Swex From a Chriistian Perspective

Despite Faber's pseudo-proselytizing or in any case spammy attempt, the email remained unopened and went directly to trash. From what I could gather, though, the aforementioned perspective cometh wiith quiite a fjew twypos.

Interestingly, the Open Office dictionary for American English offers more alternative spellings than its British counterpart.

Here's the dialog box with the suggestions for American English:

Here's the same dialog box with the "English (UK)" option selected:

Why is that???