Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Be the Tasmanian Lovemaking Devil..."

To be honest, I didn't know Tasmanian devils made the ideal lover.

Judging from real world pictures (see above) and from the general features of the animal's incarnation in the Looney Tunes cartoon (see below), I am tempted to believe that they are to be avoided at all costs. In fact, "lovemaking" and "Tasmanian devil" sound so far apart that combining them in a single noun phrase should normally be considered oxymoronic — unless of course the attributes of the ideal lover (or even the basic traits commonly expected in a tolerable partner) dramatically changed with the most recent partial lunar eclipse.

Viciousness and aggressivity on the one hand, tornado-style destruction and utter stupidity on the other — is this really something to be looking forward to???

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