Tuesday, December 1, 2009

More f-words

The letter F seems to be particularly prone to open profane words in English. While Arnold Schwarzenegger recently chose to use one common f-word (see this post), Louis Nicollin seems to favor the one ending in "-ag".

Readers from outside France will ask: who the hell is Louis Nicollin??? He's the CEO of one of the biggest garbage collection companies in France and the president of the Montpellier soccer team. Also, he's (hopefully) one-of-a-kind foul-mouthed homophobic and sexist character! Last month, he insulted another team's captain (using his favorite f-word), and proved with his next-day attempt at an apology that it is sometimes best to not apologize at all.

Judging from this article published in Le Monde, the guy is a constant PR disaster. Allow me to select a couple of gems for you and provide a translation into English for your enjoyment:
"On peut se parler, se dire les choses. On est des hommes, pas des gonzesses."
We can talk, say what we have to say to each other. We're guys, not chicks.

"Un clip sur le racisme, je suis prêt à le passer dès demain matin. Mais sur l'homophobie... Après, ce sera quoi, les femmes battues ?"
A video about racism, I'm ready to show it as early as tomorrow morning. But one about homophobia... What is it going to be next? Battered women?

"Si la maire me demande de le passer, je le ferai. Mais je préférerais montrer des filles à poil...".
If the mayor asks me to show it, I'll do it. But I'd rather show naked girls...
Ahh, free speech...

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